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Java EE Web Applicaties met Servlets, JSP,Tags and Struts Cursus

AanbiederLearnit Training
Kosten€ 2.345,00


(Java wordt op het internetgebied ingezet om krachtige, gecompliceerde applicaties te ontwikkelen, voor de client en de server. Dit houdt in: Geavanceerde intranet toepassingen, security, content management en krachtige interfaces. Java is een objectgeorienteerde programmeertaal en is platformonafhankelijk)

This intensive course will give you the skills to design and build scalable, secure, maintainable web applications. Throughout this training, you will be confronted with common web application design problems and given the tools you will need to solve them, such as Java EE design patterns. You will also be exposed to a range of Java EE and web technologies such as Servlets, JSPs, JNDI, Struts and XML, and advice on when and how to use them.

This five-day, hands-on workshop offers a comprehensive hands-on tutorial in the design and programming of servlets and JSPs, and includes all the important concepts, and hands on labs that will have you building working Struts applications in no time flat. In addition, this course covers how to extend the Struts framework to fit your unique needs.

Servlets and JavaServer Pages are key server-side Java technologies for building web applications. Servlets are programs that run on a web server; they can respond to client requests and create dynamic content. Java Servlets allow flexible generation of dynamic content without the limitations of CGI-based applications or those created in a web server-specific manner. The JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology allows one to separate static from dynamic content while harnessing the power of Java Servlets.

Struts is an open source, Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework developed by The Apache Software Foundation as part of its Jakarta project. Struts is built on top of JSP, Servlets, and tag libraries. After reading the first Java EE Blueprints from Sun with their explanation of MVC and how to accomplish it with custom tags, Servlets, and JSP, one can clearly see that Struts is a manifestation of Sun's Java EE MVC vision. Struts addresses many major issues in using vanilla Servlets/JSP to build web systems. It solves the problem of controller complexity by removing the workflow logic from the Servlets, and directing workflow in an XML configuration file. Struts improves on the limited form support in JSP by adding numerous capabilities to form processing including easy validation, easy error display, and the refilling of form input on form retries from a users previous entries. It minimizes the complexity of JSP pages, by supplying a very extensive and flexible set of custom tag libraries for many of the standard operations needed in JSP pages.

Students will also learn about the capabilities of servlets, their advantages over CGI, servlet architecture, and session management. Developers will also learn about JSP syntax, deployment, and application models, how to use Java as a scripting language, how to use custom tags, and how to build robust and capable web applications using Servlets and JSP.


Consisting of approximately 50% lab and 50% technical lecture, this workshop includes many carefully interspersed hands-on, practical lab exercises. Presented in a progressive building block fashion, these labs detail the development and deployment of an advanced, multi-tier application from start to finish. At the end of each lab and lesson, developers will be tested with a set of review questions to ensure that he/she fully understands the topic, illustrations and labs.


  • Advanced Java EE Patterns with Servlets, JSPs and EJB.

Bestemd voor

Experienced Java Developers who want to learn how to use Java EE components to build enterprise web applications.


Tijdens deze cursus komen de volgende onderwerpen aan bod:

  • Design and build web applications from both business and technical requirements
  • Build web interfaces with JSPs, Servlets, Applets, and JavaScript (JavaScript is optional)
  • Write maintainable web applications that separate HTML and Java
  • Understand the design and development of web applications using Servlets and JSPs
  • Make Servlets cooperate and share data
  • Store and process session information
  • Deal with concurrency issues
  • Understand and create JavaServer Pages (JSPs)
  • Link Servlets and JSPs
  • Use Java as a scripting language in JSPs
  • Use the built in JSP objects
  • Embed JavaBeans in a JSP
  • Use JavaBeans in a JSP
  • Use servlets and JSP together
  • Understand good design techniques including MVC, Command and State patterns
  • Use custom tag libraries
  • Use the struts framework
  • Understand the problems with vanilla servlets/JSP, and the motivation for Struts
  • Understand MVC and the Struts architecture Understand the Struts controller, Struts views, and Struts resource bundles
  • Create & configure applications using Struts
  • Define views, actions, and FormBeans
  • Use Struts for form processing
  • Use ActionMappings
  • Handle errors and debug Struts applications
  • Utilize Struts validation framework
  • Use the flow-of-control custom tags.


€ 2.345,00

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